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Mastering Multi-Team Development in a Single Repository


Managing a single repository with multiple development teams can be complex, but the right strategies can turn it into a streamlined and collaborative process. Here’s how to effectively manage this scenario:

1. Embrace Trunk-Based Development

Trunk-based development involves collaborating on a single branch, often called the "trunk" or "main." This approach minimizes the complexity of merging long-lived branches and promotes frequent integration, helping to identify integration issues early.


  • Continuous Integration: Regular commits to the trunk ensure frequent integration, reducing problems.
  • Simplified Structure: A single branch avoids the overhead of multiple branches.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Encourages teamwork and collective ownership of code.


  • Commit changes frequently, ideally several times a day.
  • Use automated testing to ensure that new changes do not break the build.

2. Utilize Feature Flags

Feature flags (or toggles) let you enable or disable features at runtime without deploying new code. This method is useful for managing feature rollouts and maintaining a stable production environment.


  • Safe Deployments: Test features in production with real users without affecting the entire application.
  • Controlled Rollouts: Gradually release features to specific users or environments.
  • Quick Rollbacks: Disable problematic features without a new deployment.


  • Use a feature flag management system to handle their lifecycle.
  • Keep feature flags short-lived to avoid technical debt.

3. Integrate CI/CD for Code Quality

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) automate the process of building, testing, and deploying code. Adding code quality checks to your CI/CD pipeline ensures that only high-quality code is merged into the trunk.


  • Automated Checks: Run code quality tools, linters, and static analysis on every commit.
  • Consistent Standards: Enforce coding standards across all teams.
  • Early Issue Detection: Find and fix issues early, reducing bug-fix costs.


  • Integrate tools like ESLint, SonarQube, or CodeClimate into your CI pipeline.
  • Set up automated tests to catch issues before they reach production.

Unit tests verify that individual components of the application work as intended. Comprehensive unit testing helps maintain code quality and reduces the risk of bugs.


  • Code Confidence: Ensure new changes don’t break existing functionality.
  • Documentation: Unit tests act as documentation for code behavior.
  • Safe Refactoring: Refactor code confidently knowing that tests will catch regressions.


  • Encourage developers to write unit tests for new features and fixes.
  • Use test coverage tools to identify untested code.


Managing development with multiple teams in a single repository involves combining several effective strategies. Trunk-based development, feature flags, CI/CD pipelines, and unit tests provide a solid framework for handling this complexity. By adopting these practices, teams can ensure a smooth, collaborative, and high-quality development process.

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